Below is updated guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health Regarding Cost Reporting. If you have questions on how this impacts your nursing facility, please contact Dan Natirboff ( or Tim Ziegler ( at our firm.
“The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) is delaying the due date by which nursing facilities must submit interim reports on COVID-19 impacts and the use of Act 24 funding. The new due date for interim reporting is Monday, November 30.
Unexpected delays in web portal user provisioning for OLTL providers have made it necessary to delay the due date for interim reporting by nursing facilities. OLTL anticipates nursing facilities will be able to access the Act 24 reporting web portal during the week of November 9. Nursing facilities will receive a link and instructions via email when the web portal is available.
OLTL will also offer a webinar on November 16 to give nursing facility providers a chance to ask questions about reporting COVID-19 related costs under Act 24. OLTL will provide a link and additional details on the webinar in coming days.
In the meantime, nursing facilities should begin populating the applicable Excel reporting templates provided in the October 27 Listserv message (attached). Nursing facilities are encouraged to review the frequently asked questions documents and send any remaining questions about Act 24 reporting to
Additionally, providers are advised to review the guidance for eligible COVID-19 costs on the U.S. Department of Treasury websites Coronavirus-Relief-Fund-Guidance and Coronavirus-Relief-Fund-Frequently-Asked-Questions, and in DHS’s Frequently Asked Questions. These documents outline the conditions and acceptable uses of Cares Act and Act 24 funding. Importantly, deadline by which costs must be incurred to be eligible under Act 24 is November 30, 2020.
Any provider that does not expect to use all or part of the Act 24 funding may return the funds to OLTL at:
PA Department of Human Services
Office of Long-Term Living
PO Box 8025
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8025
Please send any remaining questions about OLTL Act 24 reporting to”