News & Updates

Topic: Submissions of New SNF Attachment on Medicare Form 855A (Deadline May 1, 2025)

CMS advised that, by the end of 2024, all Pennsylvania SNF providers would receive notices to complete and file this new form.
CMS guidance as of December 9, 2024, advised that filing of the new attachment would not be due until May 1, 2025.
Some providers are filing the new attachment early in order to expedite revalidation or CHOW applications.
The new attachment requires information not previously needed for Medicare enrollment and updates.
Some of the early filing providers have received notices that their submissions are incomplete, and more information is required.
If your Facility has received a notice to file the new attachment and has questions about or needs help with completing or filing, our firm is available to assist.

Contact: Bruce G. Baron, esquire (e-mail:

March 19, 2024 – Let’s Not Make a Federal Case Out of It: Taking the Mystery out of the NLRB and Labor

Attorney Ed Bonett will be presenting to the Southeastern Pennsylvania SHRM (SEPA-SHRM)

Join Ed Bonett on March 19, 2024 for a presentation on Taking the Mystery out of NLRB and Labor.

This program will inform attendees about the National Labor Relations Act and the National Labor Relations Board, the federal agency that enforces the Act. The program will further inform attendees how the Act can impact your business whether the business is union or non-union. Discussion will include a primer on recent developments in Labor Law. Topics will include supervisory status, independent contractors, non-competes, union organizing petition, joint employer law, handbook rules, protected concerted activity. This is of importance because employers and their HR managers especially must understand the legal landscape and the trends in labor law, as well as how the NLRB works.

Three teaching objectives: 1. To help professionals understand the NLRB and the NLRA; 2. To help anticipate trends on important issues; and 3. To help professionals better manage their workforce.

When: March 19, 2024 (In Person) at 8:15am

Where: American Heritage Federal Credit Union – Community Room
2068 Red Lion Rd.
Philadelphia, PA 19115

To Register please contact: Laurie Sample at or call her at (484)643-0393

For more information go to:

14th File Burning Fundraiser – July 14th, 2023

“The Commodores” perform for this year’s Annual File Burning – Buy a Ticket and Support Selflessservice!

Selflessservice is a local organization that is dear to our heart. They are devoted to supporting, aiding and assisting active military and first responders, as well as Veterans, spouses, and immediate family members during times of activation/deployment and service and/or general hardship.