Capozzi Adler, P.C. is pleased and honored to welcome longtime National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Attorney Edward J. Bonett, Jr., to our Labor & Employment Practice Group.
Ed brings a wealth of labor law experience from his 20+ years at the NLRB. Ed has extensive experience in handling unfair labor practice charges from both employer and union perspectives. Ed has participated in numerous trials and investigations of healthcare providers, construction companies, and hospitality groups. At Capozzi Adler, P.C., Ed will negotiate with unions, counsel employers on union avoidance, assist employers with avoiding unfair labor practices, and resolve issues with unions.
Ed has long demonstrated exceptional service and is well-respected by both sides of the labor bar for his fairness and practical approach. He is an exceptional trial lawyer, settlement facilitator, writer and speaker.
Ed is a graduate of Temple University Law School and earned a Master’s degree from Villanova University and a Bachelor’s degree from Drexel University. He is a member of the Justinian Society and the St. Thomas More Society and is dedicated to furthering the legal profession.
When not practicing law, Ed is a longtime youth baseball and basketball coach and community leader. He is a published author of three books: Bella Vista, Light Dawns Always, and Post-Ops: Inspiration for No Fear Living, all available on Amazon.
Edward J. Bonett, Jr., Esq. can be reached at edwardb@capozziadler.com or 717-350-4224.