- Date & Time: Thursday, October 29th from 1:00pm – 2:00pm Duration: 60 minutes
- NHA & CPA Credits: This educational offering is approved for 1 hour of NHA credit (Approval Code: 20211028-1-A70854-DL) and is approved for 1 hour of CPA credit (PX177781).
- Cost: NONE
- Session Description: Over the past 9 months, a variety of COVID-19 relief funds have been offered to long-term care providers, including PPP funds, COVID-19 Hazard Pay Grants, and three rounds of CARES Act funding. During this webinar we will provide an overview of each funding stream and then explore the compliance measures and reporting requirements that providers need to be aware of.
- The first half of the webinar will provide an overview of each funding source and their compliance requirements.
- During the second half of the webinar we will look at the financial records and reporting requirements issued to date. Providers must be aware of these requirements in order to ensure that all eligible COVID expenses and lost revenues are properly documented to reduce and/ or eliminate any liability to the government agency for unused funding.
- Speakers:
- Daniel K. Natirboff, Esquire, Chair of Licensure, Compliance, Regulatory Practice & Enforcement Group
- Timothy T. Ziegler, Long-Term Care Reimbursement Analyst
Registration Required:
Please RSVP to Cassie Reed at cassier@capozziadler.com or 717-233-4101. Provide your name, company, and job title. If you need NHA credit, please provide your NAB ID #. Cassie will send you the webinar sign-in information via both email and a calendar invite, within a week of the webinar.